CALL OR TEXT (480) 630-1977 or (480) 630-5500
Acupuncture is very safe when performed by a licensed acupuncturist with minimal to no side effects. Acupuncture needles are single-use, sterile, and have the thickness of a human hair.
In most instances, acupuncture does not hurt. Most people report a sensation like a mosquito bite, slight pressure and/or tingling. A lot of people actually fall asleep during the treatment.
The number of treatments required will depend on the type of condition that is being treated, the length of time the person has had the condition, the overall state of a person's health, and how well a person's body responds to acupuncture.
As in any other type of medical therapy, acupuncture works best when performed over multiple visits. Most patients have reported noticeable improvement after 8-10 visits. The acupuncturist will detail the number of treatments needed and the frequency of the visits.
No, we do not participate in any insurance plans.
Chandler Acupuncture
1256 W Chandler Blvd. Suite 32, Chandler AZ 85224
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